
The COM interface

The methods and classes represent the COM objects exposed by the Scripting interface. The interface is described in detail in the scripting manual of your microscope (usually in the file scripting.pdf located in the C:\Titan\Tem_help\manual or C:\Tecnai\tem_help\manual directories). Advanced scripting manual can be found in C:\Titan\Scripting\Advanced TEM Scripting User Guide.pdf.

The manual is your ultimate reference, this documentation will only describe the python wrapper to the COM interface.

Microscope class

The Microscope class class provides the main interface to the microscope.


Many of the attributes return values from enumerations. The complete list can be found in the Enumerations section.


Some object attributes handle two dimensional vectors (e.g. ImageShift). These attributes return (x, y) tuples and expect iterable objects (tuple, list, …) with two floats when written (numpy arrays with two entries also work).

beam_pos = microscope.optics.illumination.beam_shift
(0.0, 0.0)
new_beam_pos = beam_pos[0], beam_pos[1] + 1.02
microscope.optics.illumination.beam_shift = new_beam_pos